common areas

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newBookmarkLockedFalling A Loner on the Horizon (open)
sacredfire200 19 600 by KaiNaium
Jun 24, 2013 16:40:26 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling In Hopes of Finding Something New(Open)
Midnight 44 1,118 by Midnight
Jun 24, 2013 11:53:55 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Where Is My Blood
Midnight 6 213 by Midnight
Jun 16, 2013 18:59:37 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Are you looking for Serenity
serenity 13 270 by Midnight
Jun 5, 2013 21:09:28 GMT -5


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common areas
The Gateway
The Valley has very few entrances, and all of them are hard to traverse, and while the Gateway is no exception, it is certainly easier to make it through this mountain pass than enter from any other spot. As a wolf rounds the last bend coming into the magical world, its eyes are caught by a huge stone arch growing out of the mountain slopes that frames the view of the Valley beautifully.
The Whispering Forest
This peaceful forest is home to every known, and some unknown species of tree on the continent. Many of the trees flower and all do so at different times, so there are always flowers to be found here. When the wind blows through the branches, one can almost hear the trees speaking....
Phoenix Springs
While a warm dip is always pleasant on a cold day in this northerly, gusty badland, this certain spring is peculiar for its healing properties. Perhaps it is magic or minerals or beneficial bacteria in the water, but anyone who takes a good long soak in the pool will find their wounds and diseases cured.
The Dragon's Back
Only the bravest dare to wander up the steep hillside to these jagged, gray peaks that pierce the sky. The ridge was named for its likeness to the spikes on a dragon's back, and yet those who brave the dizzying heights often find stange, smooth, flat, colorful stones, almost like scales....
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