common areas

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Excuses, excuses [Kailolu]
Forte 36 1,183 by Kailolu
Jun 16, 2013 18:16:54 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Sticks and Stones (Open)
Kailolu 5 264 by Katarszyna
May 25, 2013 15:25:54 GMT -5


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common areas
The Octopus
In reality, this forest bears little resemblance to an octopus. It is a small grove of very old, twisted and thick trees, many of whose roots form huge arches overhead. It would make a wonderful playground and densite.
Ancient Canyon
This river-carved canyon is a natural wonder. Aside from being remarkably deep, intricate, colorful and beautiful, it is also old enough that the bones and fossils of ancient creatures can be seen everywhere embedded in the rock.
White Lake
This lake, which is frozen over for much of the year, is attractive for two reasons: it is a great swimming hole with a tall cliff to dive from, and it houses the only entrance to a marble cave full of beautiful formations and bioluminescent bacteria and organisms.
Forest of Giants
The trees of this forest tower above all others in the valley. Some scrape the sky at upwards of 400 feet and have diameters of 30 of more. This forest is beautiful and amazing, but also dangerous. Objects, such as branches and pinecones, that fall from high up can have devastating effects on creature on the forest floor.
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