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newBookmarkLockedFalling hail the conquering hero [orthiad]
KaiNaium 8 403 by KaiNaium
Aug 19, 2012 19:29:10 GMT -5


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Ae'chi is a stunning place... and a magical one. A small grove of hardy trees survives in a rocky field on the Steppe. Inside the grove is an outcrop of crystal, about two metres high and a beautiful cyan colour. Nobody really knows what the crystal is, but it is rumoured to have some form of magical power. Any attempts to destroy it have always failed; hitting it, throwing rocks at it, blasting fire magic at it, and it being struck by lightning... have all failed to make so much as a scratch. What exactly the crystal is, and what powers it does have, remain unknown; however, many wolves report a feeling of light-headedness and of mystery when they come near it.
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