common areas

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newBookmarkLockedFalling There's Nothing Like Being Wild and Free(Open)
sacredfire200 1 440 by Midnight
Jun 24, 2013 21:33:54 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Sometimes Being Immortal Sucks...~Open
Katarszyna 9 328 by Midnight
Jun 14, 2013 16:51:50 GMT -5


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common areas
Miracle Beach
The last thing one would expect to find inland is a beach, complete with smell of sea salt, but here it is. A cliff forms one edge of this crystal-clear pool, while a white, sandy beach, upon which gentle waves roll day and night, makes the other. Bizzare, colorful fish are even present in the water.
Cave of Voices
This long, wide, cylindrical tunnel allows for crystal-clear echoes. But if one ventures far enough into the cave, the echoes start to come back in unfamiliar voices saying unfamiliar words....
The Epicenter
At the very center of the valley lies a small, shallow, perfectly circular pool, in which a large metal meteorite has rested for as long as any wolf can remember. Unassuming at first, the pool is actually very dangerous, for it is the most potent source of magic known in the Valley. Those who drink from it put themselves at great risk.
Swamp of Visions
Beware this swamp: Inhaling the noxious gasses that bubble up from beneath the surface of the grimy water can result in light-headedness and confusion. Prolonged exposure can lead to paranoia and vivid hallucinations. It would be easy to get lost in this wasteland and perish without even realizing it.
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